Monday 15 June 2015

Search Engine Optimisation For Online Brand Marketing

Search engine optimization (SEO) is not just about ranking your business website to South Africa's top 10 rankings for a particular niche related keyword. It is also about Brand marketing where you increase awareness of your online potential customers or clients about your business. Search Engine optimisation techniques are implemented to create your business identity as you gain popularity in your niche market. It is very important also to maintain you brand image because it is like your business’ face to the public.

In this regard, one of the search engine optimisation services that could help your business trustworthiness is what we call online reputation management. Reputation management is a process where you build your brand and maintain the good reputation from other entities about your business, whether you are a big or a small company. Building your brand awareness online can only be attained through a rigid search engine optimisation campaign. It starts with proper planning on what you want your client to see about your business, and then you go on defining your vision and mission and company values as well. After that, it will boil down to implementation like web design and development, content management system (CMS) and web copywriting. But it doesn’t stop there; you need to track all your clients and your market regularly to achieve your online marketing success.

How does search engine optimisation fit in this complicated type of marketing?

During the 80's and 90's the leading type of marketing campaign were TV ads, radio ads and print ads and only big companies were able to do this because they had the money. Time has change where people now can’t live without an internet connection. What most businesses do is they rush to build a website without any knowledge about search engine optimisation (SEO) techniques and how to launch a campaign. Since the World Wide Web is so vast, the internet for many is like an abstract picture.

This is where search engine optimisation companies or SEO companies/firms were born to help businesses build their brand and online marketing campaigns that target relevant customers and convert them to loyal buyers with more economical cost than the tri-media offline marketing. I used economical not cheap because there are cheap SEO services floating around but they are using “black hat” search engine optimisation which is unethical and could ban your website in the long run in major search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing (formerly called MSN). Always go for ethical SEO practices or white hat SEO.

The usual type of search engine optimisation technique employed by top SEO companies is called organic SEO services where you build your website to rank for certain keywords in an unpaid side of search engine result listing. The other side of search engine listing, usually on the right side, is the pay per click advertising where you have to pay the search engines for every click that you get from the search engine traffic.

In choosing the best search engine optimisation to build your online business brand, you need to be aware that not all kinds of search engine optimisation technique helps. Here are the top three SEO techniques for branding:

1. Organic Ethical Search Engine Optimization - this is a process where you rank your local business website organically in search engines to hook traffic to your website and more traffic to your website the more people will become aware of your business name, products and services and your location. Make sure that your website has a professional web design and have a good user experience to offer a good recall to your visitors. There are SEO strategies that lets target your local customers if you have a local business like a pizza restaurant or a plumbing service in a particular area. To find out more about this contact a SEO consultant.

2. Pay Per Click Services - Pay per click advertising is the other side of organic SEO where you have to pay either per click or per impression. Pay per click has two versions, one is search and second one is content. The search side is where you want your ad to show in the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) and the content is where you want your ads to show in the contents of related web pages like blogs, forums and social media. If you want to build your brand awareness through Pay Per Click (PPC), SEO companies advises that you go for the content side and choose image ads so that more people will see your logo or your company name. To find more about this you may call your search engine optimisation company.

3. Social Media Marketing (SMM) - this is where you join social networks related to your niche like LinkedIn, Facebook, Multiply, Friendster, and Twitter. You probably at least know one of them. Social media SEO is a great tool to build your brand awareness to like-minded people in your area. You can provide them free information to people connected to your network that you think will help them in their interests and slowly you build authority in your niche.

These three search engine optimization techniques have been proven to be effective. Case study after case study has been conducted and they never cease to produce results. These search engine optimization methods are however not that simple and could be overwhelming to many. In order to make search engine optimisation work, everything must be planned and measured to gain ranks against your competition. The internet could be your doorway to lower cost client acquisition for brand marketing campaigns but it could be very expensive if you have poor SEO strategy.

Friday 24 April 2015

Advanced Keyword Research for SEO

So, how has the keyword research been coming on?  I hope you’ve been looking through Google’s keyword tool and finding keywords that you hadn’t thought of for your business.  One thing I didn’t mention in my previous post on keyword research  was the ability to put in a website address (URL) instead of a keyword.  Why would you use this?  I would usually use this to see what the competition are up to, and what keyword they have optimized their site for.

Simply type in their website address into the ‘Website’ box on the Google Keyword Tool and Google will then search the content of their website and find keywords/phrases that have search traffic.  It can be very enlightening to see what keywords the competition have optimised for!  Here’s an example of one of the biggest SEO and internet marketing companies in the South Africa, "Firelight", and what keywords come out of their website:

So, if I wanted to compete against Firelight (not that I would – David vs Goliath springs to mind!), then I would go through the list provided, see which keywords were suitable for me and then off I’d go with my own optimization process.  Easy … !

Incidentally, the guys (and girls) at Firelight organised the Pro SEO event in Cape Town back in November along with SEOMoz and it was an excellent event – don’t miss it if you get a chance to attend in London or one of their other cities.

Finally, if you’re using the Google Keyword Tool for any kind of in-depth research then do make use of the ‘Download’ option within the interface that allows you to download your keyword results into CSV format and, usually, on into Excel.  When doing serious keyword research I’ll rattle through a whole list of potential keywords, downloading every set of results, labeling the tab on the Excel spreadsheet with the seed keyword I used and then take time to go through the spreadsheet later to find potential keywords.

I hope this has been useful – until next time!

Tuesday 21 April 2015

Using Analytics to your advantage

The gloss of any thrusting business is the knowledge of your potential clientele. ‘Web analytics’ is the foundation to the whole service offering. It is built on analytic engines that convert the complex data into nonprofessional’s language.

‘Web analytics consulting’ services provided by Seoland a SEO Company in South Africa offers an in-depth insight on the site’s accomplishment, engagement of visitors and behaviour  of the visitors. The comprehensive reports prepared by our ‘Web analytics consultants’ gives you the knowledge of where the customers are coming, what they are looking for and even the geographical region of visits. The wealthy data thus derived can be used to target the customers, track offer responses and so on.
The above-mentioned benefits can be summarized as follows:
  • It provides the in –depth statistics.
  • It gives you real –time results.
  • It provides a comprehensive report.
  • It lets you decide on the way of viewing the data.
The comprehensive reports of the ‘Web analytics consultant’ include the following:
  1. Popular pages
  2. Referral links
  3. Visitor’s history
  4. Global statistics.
  5. Computer statistics
  6. Search engines.
The traditional interaction tools such as mobiles, videos have paved way for interactions on online channels in one place. Powerful web analytical tools like Google web analytics and Yahoo analytics etc, enable this.

Omniture web analytics is now Adobe web analytics powered by Omniture. It provides applications that for a consolidated view of customer’s interactions.It has the following benefits:
  • Knowledge to measure and align metrics.
  • To draw functional conclusions from the customers interactions.
  • Fulfil ad hoc requests on time.
  • Adoption of the search analytic metrics for decision makers.
  • Define online strategy based on the clientele’s interactions.
Google analytics also on the other hand helps analyse as to who is visiting your website and the purpose behind it. While Yahoo analytics providing the same has integrated index tools with its own system to give you the solution.

Suddenly there has been a swarming rise in the use of mobiles to access the information on the internet. This revolution has been assisted by mobile tracking devices/tools. These tools have been made use by all the web analytical tools like Google analytics, Yahoo analytics and Omniture. Targeting the desired audience has made the science of marketing easy. This avid campaign tracker makes the whole process more precise. With an increase in the mobile enabled searches it is great to see what the users are doing while doing the search.

The above critical insights thus gained enable business decisions. ‘Web analytics’ leaves no doubts about the outcome that is the rapid return of investment. With the inexplicable business knowledge, high conversion rates of visitors into potential customers and high drive of quality traffic we sure leave every little to imagination.

Monday 20 April 2015

Which advertising medium works the best

Armed with the information and having completed your Marketing Plan you must be wondering.

Where do I begin?

Well, as promised we will take a look at various factors that will guide you to pinpoint the exact medium to use. The factors include:

1). Cost

This is the budget your small business marketing department wishes to spend. This can be calculated by asking yourself, how much you are willing to spend per new customer? It is important to consider the amount the average customer spends on your product or services at a given time then multiply that with the years this person will be a customer. Not to mention the plenty of referral if he/she is satisfied.

2) Your Product / Service

A high end product should be presented in high end, elitist media with prime slots.  This will position the brand and achieve desired effect. The marketing campaign must be sophisticated.

3) Target Market

To reach your target audience one must do a research to ascertain their behavior, where they hang out, what they watch, read, listen to and who their peers are. For instance if you intend to sell an energy drink brand to the youth. You need to know where they hang or take their drinks and thus ensure your product will be available there with the right communication. If it is targeted to certain geographical locations consider using local media i.e. vernacular FM stations.

4) Reach

It is important to determine the number of people your medium of choice will reach. If it is print, the circulation figures including the intricacies like the most popular days of the week if it is a Daily Newspaper. If it’s Radio; the number of listeners of a specific show and the demographic. Same applies to TV.

There are various Advertising mediums available to your small business. Depending on the advertising budget prescribed on your marketing plan you may use a combination of the medium below:
  1. Posters
  2. Brochure / Fliers
  3. Notice boards
  4. Signs
  5. Banners
  6. Bus Shelter
  7. Branded Merchandise
  8. Social Media
  9. Websites
  10. Online Advertising
  11. Email Advertising
All this medium should be used systematically. Your message should run over a period of time to ensure you get your market share and maintain it. The message should also be somewhat consistent. It can be tweaked but there has to be a common denominator. Most blue chip companies with a larger ad spend use another set of medium. If you have a larger budget you can consider the following:
  • TV Ads
  • Radio Ads
  • Newspaper / Magazine Ads
  • Billboards
In South Africa we have the privilege of having several design and development agencies, which specialize, on various forms of Marketing as stated above, Seoland Design studios is one of them. When selecting the agency you can scrutinize their Case Studies / Portfolio to gauge them against competitors. Also ensure you get value for your money in terms of actual conversions. Feel free to pay us a visit or contact us for any inquiries on Advertising in particular or Marketing as a whole.

Friday 17 April 2015

How to get as much as possible out of the social media platforms

Facebook and Twitter have definitely dominated social media marketing for the last few years. Facebook has over 526 million daily users, while Twitter has about 140 million active users, the biggest reason why both social media platforms have become the chosen mediums for many businesses. While Facebook and Twitter are two of the most popular mediums with the highest number of users, this does not necessarily translate into traffic for your business.

The truth about both Twitter and Facebook is that not everyone who appears to be active on these sites is really that active; I have friends who have extremely dead Facebook and Twitter accounts! Not just that, people often get bored with both these platforms and end up migrating to newer social networking sites with more features and freedom, remember MySpace? Research also shows that Facebook and Twitter are both slow; both networks take time, monetary investment and constant management to attract members and eventually drive traffic towards a site or boost sales. Overall return on investment is slow.

Here are 3 of the more tried and tested methods that have the ability to get faster return on investments and are much more effective and allow for customization.


This new social networking site is fairly new but extremely popular and cool. Pictures require little effort to be de-coded and people buy into what they can see. The site has recently been rated the 3rd most visited social networking site and the pictures uploaded by each user to their bulletin boards allows businesses to better assess who they should target. Facebook and Twitter both often bombard user with too much information and reading, not exactly everyone’s cup of tea. A single image can connect to several users and viewers on many different levels.


There is no doubt that YouTube is definitely the most used and most popular video posting and sharing site. People connect through YouTube and share videos on other platforms, through mobile applications and through emails. Unlike Twitter and Facebook, where your paid advertisement just shows up on the sidebar, You Tube actually specifically targets a particular audience by playing the ad as part of something related a user might be watching. If a user is for example watching a video on how to create the perfect cheese cake, YouTube would target that user with a cream cheese advertisement!


This social networking platform offers more simply because unlike Facebook and Twitter, where you have to wait for users to add you or like your business page, the site actually suggests your website to users based upon their interests. The site is based upon surprising the user with something new every time so you are sure to reach a specific audience that will definitely be a potential purchaser. People can bookmark or save pages they like, the top reason why Stumbleupon is a good place to generate traffic towards your businesses website. If users like your site they recommend it to other users and it is recommended to the Stumbleupon network, getting more people to notice it.

Simply put social media advertising is not just about setting up a page on Facebook and Twitter. It is about spending time, effort and energy on the right social networking site and to build interest and trust amongst a particular niche that will purchase your product and is highly likely to spread the word about you!

Thursday 16 April 2015

Search Engine Optimization - A bit of Self advertising

For a business to be successful, it is essential that it be visible. Potential customers have to know what you have to offer and why they should be interested.

Traditionally, advertising a business has been done using magazine ads or newspaper or even TV commercials, radio spots, and billboards. But today, the Internet is the key to visibility. Goods and services can be offered in a global marketplace. Borders have become no impediment to this new form of commerce.

Having a strong presence online, with a professional web site and quality content, is important but only if potential customers see your site. If the key to success is visibility, then the key to visibility is search engine optimization. This process makes it easier for prospective buyers to find your web site among thousands of others.

And there is no company that will get you better results with search engine optimization than Seoland. This dynamic organization will give your company the kind of individual attention that is rare in the industry. They will work with you to make your web site is the one your potential customers will see first.

When you put your confidence in the professional team at Seoland, the result is more traffic for your site and more revenue for your business. Search engine optimization is the difference between just being part of the crowd and standing above it.

The pros at Seoland know their business, and they will aggressively work on your behalf to get you to the top and to keep you there.

Take that first step by calling Seoland for a free assessment today.

Tuesday 19 March 2013

More relevant SEO link backs for you website

ranking backlinks
One of the major factors that any SEO consultant takes into account when optimizing your web site is to check the amount of incoming links that you have coming into your site. These links need to be high quality links. You can have hundreds of links coming to your site but that can all be outdone by just hand full of quality links. What the search engines do is they count these incoming quality links and try to determine how authoritative your web site is. They then count these links and compare them to the amount of quality incoming links that other sites have in your target market. This is how SEO consultants help your web site climb up on the rankings.

Now when I say quality links, these links need to be on topic, well written, relevant and the information on them need to be correct. These links need to be relevant because of the fact that the target market that you are wanting to reach needs to keep reading about the same thing. For example, it’s pointless to have a web site talking about cars and then at the bottom to have a quality incoming link about online dating. Does this make any sense?

High ranking link backs

When you are trying to link to another site, it is usually best to try and link to those sites that already have a high ranking on the search engine results. This is not always so easy though. But if you get it right there is a good reason for this. Not only will your rankings move up faster because those links will be quality links but also because when you link to those higher rankings sites, some of their “quality” rubs off on you. SO you basically get better rankings just because they are linked to your site.

Anchor text links

As I said before every little bit that you do does help, every link that you have helps to. You can never go down on the rankings for having too many incoming links. Having said this, it is very helpful to you if the site that is being linked to you has keywords in their anchor text that relate to your topic or products that you have on your site. This help these user to identify much more easily where that link will be going and makes their traveling much easier.

If I must give you an example, let’s say you are talking about cars. When asking your link exchange partners to link to your site do not just use your domain name or the default click here settings, but rather have them say something like, “New Ford Mustang Deals.” Makes sense. This is something that a SEO consultant does very well. When you do this the search engines will reward y with double point, because of the fact not only because of the link that you have created but also because you are using keywords that a relative to t topic and hand. The search engines love this. For more information on linking building please visit our site or contact us on the following link

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Monday 18 March 2013

SEO Wordpress for beginners - Optimizing your blogs

To get a high search engine ranking for your blog posts is much easier done than one might think. It takes work, dedication and a lot of time. It’s not just something that will happen overnight. With that thought in mind, everyone knows that there are huge benefits from using a correct SEO company to do your work for you, because the fact that you might not have the time to do so yourself.  There are major SEO company’s coming up out of the woodwork all over the place these days. How do you choose the correct one and how do you know that they are doing the right work on your behalf? I have written this page with the intention that I try to explain to you the ways in which big SEO firm's use in their strategies to enhance the rankings of your sites.

Web Marketing Firms

If you are talking about Online Marketing companies then by now you should already know that when you are trying to be SEO proficient then you need to have fresh, engaging content so that you can build up a following and therefore attract links. But if you do not want to hire a SEO company, or you simply you might not have the budget for it, but there are some things that you are able to do without the help of a SEO company. Obviously the most simple thing that you can do is to tweak your already existing blog posts to be more search engine efficient to increase your rankings.

Remember that this will not allow your web site or blog post to shoot to the number 3 position on Google’s search engine within the first day or to or even ever get there for that matter. But every little that you do does in fact help. Also remember that you should not bombard your blog posts or articles with the keywords that you want to be searched. There is a common rule of thumb that I usually use and that is, for every article or blog post that I create I tend to write about four hundred and fifty words and in that my keywords should be around 3%. So roughly for every one hundred words that I write my keywords will appear 3 times.

Although this has seemed to work for me, do not just take my word for it but try it yourself. I also suggest that you conduct your own keyword research. In this day and age with the biggest content utility at your advantage, the internet, there is no reason for you to not be able to do so. Gone are the days that you would have to guess what people are searching for in the search engines. What SEO firm's do is to use keyword research tools to see what keywords are being searched. Not only do these tools show you what is being searched but also how many times a month that specific keyword is being searched. What SEO business do is to then see what keywords are being searched the most and then to use those keywords to enhance the quality of your articles or blog posts to be more specific for the search engines. This leads to better rankings and to more traffic to your blog posts or web sites. For More information on our SEO Packages.
Please visit the following link

Thursday 14 March 2013

Do SEO firms actually know what they are talking about

Optimize for search
The real question is when you are dealing with and search engine optimization firm or an SEO firm , do they actually know what they are talking about or are they just fooling you.

How do you know what they are doing for you is actually working or are they just wasting your time and money. This page is created to try to help you understand the methods in which they use to upgrade your web site and to see if there ideas are actually working.

Something that you need to understand first is that setting the standard to quality of a good SEO firm is very hard to determine. This might be because of the fact that this said quality is changing from day to day. Even though there are some many different search engine marketing companies out there, they are constantly battling with the degrading reputation that they get from being called ineffective, tactless and sometimes even unethical.

Any good web marketing firm at any time or another has to ask themselves the questions that are surrounding the SEO industry. These questions are namely,
  • Where is the negative noise coming from?
  • Are we missing some of the widely accepted facts surrounding SEO?
  • And then the most importantly, is the current state of the SEO world as awful as it actually seems to be.
There is a way for you to figure out if this was in fact true.

There was in fact a study done to determine if the SEO firms was in fact in the “sad state” that many assumed it to be. What this survey wanted to accomplish is to determine the quality of SEO’s in 2014. There was a webmaster world member that created a similar study with different SEO corporation, which is the reason why this study was being conducted. But the difference in this study was that it reached out to real third party SO firms and contracted them to try and advise the study members to try and improve their page rankings by collect data. This study was known as the PEPS project

TO be able to collect the most natural or neutral data available, the study members knew that they would not be able to use their own name, in fear of getting a bad reputation. So what they decided to do was to partner up with a charitable organization and long term friend. SO the study teamed up with the Program for Parent Support, known also as PEPS to help them out. PEPS was a great organization that the study members were wanting to help get some SEO responses for a long time. What the study member did was for in exchange for being able to go “undercover” as a PEPS employee, these study members would pay for and expanses for a complete site audit for PEPS. The best SEO firm that was selected to do the audit would be the best SEO firm selected from the study. In this way everybody would gain something.

Tuesday 12 March 2013

All companies need a SEO Firm for Online Marketing

social media studies
In this day and age, any fortune 500 company has a twitter account or has Facebook feeds for example. This is because they employ SEO corporation to enhance their online presence and establishing a great social media presents is one of the first things that they do. This is because it gives the consumer a direct link to the business owners. This makes the consumers feel like it is a more life like product that the business are providing and consumers tend to like this. The consumer is able to leave tweets or comments on their Facebook pages so that the business owner is able to modify the product accordingly whether the comments be good or negative. The social media is a primary corporate strategy. If you are a smaller business or have a company brand name then here are some of the similar tips that the bigger SEO firms use to upgrade their page rankings and online social media policies.  

Define your success

When your SEO Corporation starts with your social media marketing you need to be able to establish your and set forth your benchmarks in what you wish to achieve and to make sure that you spend your time doing so successfully and not to squander your time in doing something pointless. You need to be able to put your strategy in the correct order when it comes to followers, friends, tweets and re-tweets, traffic, downloads, signups, direct sales, to name just a few. Some SEO organizations have a set method that they use for all established companies. You also need to set specific goals to what you need to achieve such as increasing traffic to your web site, getting better reviews or trying to get better in touch with customer satisfaction.

Target your market efficiently

With the social media networks being well establish and having millions of users using these sites does not necessarily mean that all these users want to be hearing from you. You need to spend some time in doing research into what your target market is looking for. eMarketing Companies have spent ages trying to figure out how to do this and there are a number of things that our need to factor into account. Namely age, race, gender, interests and location etc. When you have been able to find out which way works for you then you will be able to find those niche blogs, groups and online gathering places much more easily. Finding these places is where you want to plant your expertise on the subject.

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Monday 11 March 2013

SEO Consultant Tips and Tricks

For those new to our Seo blog, we provide Seo tricks and tips for anybody that would like to optimize their website. Please read below and give us feedback on our newest emarketing tips straight from our top consultants.

Lets Start with a Video posts for SEO

Video posts and image posts go hand in hand. They are almost the same. Just as image results you able to gather video feeds online as well as offline. People tend to love video posts because they do not have to have 1500 word article to have a good posting blog to have everything in perspective. Having said this SEO consultants know that you have to at least write one or two paragraphs giving a description on what you are wanting have explained or give a detailed description of your video posts. But mostly they let the video to the talking for them.

Make your own News

If you are a business owner then you are automatically have the upper hand when it comes to creating blogs. This is because you are able to write about anything. Going back to the car analogy, if you are a business owner selling cars then you are able to talk about things like price drops, specials that you might have on cars, recalls on certain types of models, or new types of models coming out. You also have the opportunity to talk about other dealerships that do not have the offers that you might have for example. The opportunities are endless if you actually think about it.

Be active in community posts

I you have a business, and then chances are that you involved in the community in some way. But if you are not involved then get involved. SEO consultants know that although the internet is the biggest source of information, you will never ever beat word of mouth. People that have positive feedback for your business can only be a good thing. For example I know of a lot of different car dealerships that sponsored their local sports teams. This is just one small example. Any advertising is good advertising.

Use upcoming products on your posts.

SEO consults do this all the time. You as a business owner know about upcoming products before most of your customers do, so use this to your advantage. Create links to your page or blog about upcoming release dates on products and pricing references and so on. This is obviously something that you need to be doing already but so many people forget about it as Emarketing Professionals do not.

These are just some of the ideas that I have but there are many many more ways in which you can use blogging to your SEO advantage.

Thursday 7 March 2013

SEO optimization at its very best

make your website relevant
Search engine optimization or SEO, is a hugely fast growing industry on line. Some people just do not have the time to do SEO on a daily basis and this is why people hire SEO corporations to do the work for them instead. Website optimisation takes time and a lot of patients and can sometimes be a little bit boring.

Having said this, if you have a web site or a blog page you want to make the most out of it and this is why you really need to apply yourself to your online strategy. There are those small things that you can do to your web site or blog page that can make all the difference to your page rankings.
I have listed a few tips to help you make the most of your web page or blog page using these simple SEO tips.

Make your content relevant.

Think about it. You do not want to search for a page on cars and have to end up reading about online dating do you? Make your content relevant to the subject that you are discussing. Yes you can submit your pages almost anywhere but if you put it in the wrong place you will not improve your page rankings that you want.

Remember that search engines can’t really know what you are talking about on your site as well as a human can. Humans are able to understand what you are talking about and a computer cannot. You are able to create a page with all the SEO proficient methods and have all the algorithms eating out of your hand to create great page rankings but it could be a horrid experience for the user to browse. Remember that you are doing this to get user to your site and the search engines. You can have the number one ranking site but if users to not visit them then it’s all pointless.

Become part of the conversation

Now what I mean by this is, social media, blogging, and social bookmarking has changes the way that the user looks at the internet. What all these sites have done is make everything into one big conversation. Social media sites like twitter for example, lets you update your status online directly from your phone and be connected on the go. From an SEO point of view, this is a fundamental advantage. But it has not all been good though. SEO advisors have in the past used sites like Stumble-upon and Digg. To their advantage so much that it has become and exploitation and to use these sites have become ethically impossible.

This page continues on another page so please feel free to follow us on our website